Category: Emotional healing

(Ep.011) Herbal Miscarriage & Abortion: Supporting pregnancy loss at home with Molly Dutton Kenny

Ep.011 Herbal Miscarriage & Abortion: Supporting pregnancy loss at home with Molly Dutton Kenny Loosing a pregnancy you wanted, or choosing to end one is both tender and complex for most of us. I’ve sat in the grief of a pregnancy ending early, and what helped me the most was knowing how to navigate the […]

(Ep.007) Our Preconception, Spirit Babies, and Freebirth

Ep.007 Our Preconception, Spirit Babies, and Free Birth Join my husband and I for a very personal conversation where talk about the emotional journey leading up to the conscious conception of our son Kamaiio Coaiia, including the three pregnancy losses we experienced. This was recorded back in January 2020, one month after the free birth […]

Understanding Right & Left Breast Energetics

Our breasts are amazingly sensitive energy centers and chakras of the female body. Imbalances can arise as breast pain, lumps, cancer, or if you are breastfeeding as blocked ducts or mastitis. Your right and left breasts speak to different underlying energetics, and so when imbalances arise in our breasts it can be helpful to try […]

(Ep.004) Cervical Dysplasia – A Natural Healing Journey with Noelani Love

Ep.003 Cervical Dysplasia – A Natural Healing Journey Noelani was diagnosed with severe, stage 3 cervical dysplasia, and after being bullied by an OBGYN to get surgery, she instead chose to listen to herself and find a way to heal holistically. This is the inspiring story of a woman who found a different path that […]

How To Heal PMS & Balance Your Hormones

I get a lot of emails in my inbox with questions from women around all things menstrual cycle. And PMS is a topic that frequently pops up, both in my inbox and private sessions. One of those emails was from ‘T’, a woman I met when I lived in Thailand years ago. She wrote: I […]

3 Ways All Women Should Prepare For Menopause

For most women perimenopause & menopause is not something you prepare for, it is something that happens. A season of life that comes to claim you. If we lived in a world where women’s wisdom was intact, and we lived in harmony with our bodies and the earth, we would enter perimenopause & menopause with all […]

PMS, Painful Periods, Tender Breasts & Mood Swings. What Can I Do?

PMS, painful cramps, sore breasts, mood swings arrive as a reminder that something is out of balance physically, emotionally, or energetically. They are messages calling you home.

Healing Sexual Trauma with Rachael Maddox | Interview

Rachael Maddox is the author of the forthcoming book ‘Secret Bad Girl – How I broke my long-standing sexual trauma spell and grew vibrant, vital & free’. She is also a life coach, trauma specialist, singer and songwriter. You can find her at:

Awaken Sensuality & Balance Your Emotions With Self-Massage

I gently pour a droplet of oil into my palm, and let my hand guide the oil into my body, slowly discovering the landscape of my feminine body on this day, in this moment. Discovering the Inner Woman™ that is alive in me today, and the stories my body is whispering.  I use self-massage a […]