Ep.001 What 'Cycle Wise' Means
In this short solo-episode I speak the vision and the hope that is Cycle Wise. To get us started on the Cycle Wise journey, I want to lay the foundation for this podcast by sharing what Cycle Wise means, and the seeds I am hoping to sprout and root through these conversations. Our cyclic bodies are here to mature us into elders one day, and before that preparing us for each season of life before we stand in it. There is so much available to us – and Cycle Wise is about making the journey through the pilgrimage place of your body. And along this journey, we need women’s stories. Cycle Wise stories.
Cycle Wise Is Women's Wisdom
This is a place where we remember that women’s stories matter. Women’s Wisdom matter. Your nourishment and wholeness matter. And together we’ll remember, as we come together with each episode of the Cycle Wise Podcast.
Resources & Links
Get your Free Gifts that I mention in this episode. In my free gift bundle you’ll get the introduction to the simple. yet powerful practice The Five Daily Questions. Along with the guided meditative journey “Coming home to you” that will instantly deepen your relationship with your cyclic body and feminine center. Learn more + download here.
Come find me on Instagram @indigomoonenemark
Dear Indigomoon,
I love that you have started this podcast! I have been waiting for a podcast like this to fill my breastfeeding+pumping evenings with <3
Exactly what I need to continue this journey I started in your lovely presence at your yonisteam workshop some years back <3
Thank you Liljesofie for showing up then and now, I appreciate hearing from you. So beautiful to know you’ve unfolded the seeds planted back then! xo Indigomoon